Weekly (fourtnightly) Wrap-up // 31st August
Okay, okay. I'll admit, I've been very slack the last week (possibly the last 2 weeks), but thats only because I've actually been busy. It is quite unusual for me - read my earlier posts and you'll see, I really am a homebody.
I have to be honest. I actually can't even remember all the things that I've been doing over the last couple of weeks, but I"ll do my best to recall some of these. I'll start with the most exciting... Yesterday (the 30th) I turned 20! I had a lovely, quiet day. It was exactly how I wanted it. I woke up to a very sweet card from my partner. He had written a long message in there which made me feel all warm and fuzzy! (aww..☺)We got up and got ready with the intention of trying a breakfast burrito from a new shop which has opened in our area, but it was closed. Considering this was the biggest disappointment of my day, I think this was a pretty good birthday. We grabbed some coffee and did a little shopping before going out for an early lunch. After lunch we did a little more shopping (poor Jordan! Haha) and then headed home to relax before my Mother and Grandmother came over to see me.
For dinner, Jordan and I went back to the new Mexican store but, while it was open by then, it was incredibly busy! We ended up getting McDonalds - it really was a treat for me.I had a great day, and it felt surprisingly good not to get spoilt silly! I really feel like I've matured since my last birthday.
Umm... So what did I do before that? I honestly can't remember. I did the usual things, yoga class Monday, RSPCA volunteering Wednesday. Work, work, work. Oh, and Jordan and I have been watching a show called 'Rules of Engagement' - Loving it! If you're in a relationship, or even if you're not, I'd really suggest watching a few episodes. Its a little bit corny, a little bit hilarious and really, very realistic about what couples' life is like.
I'm making a promise to myself now and to anyone who's reading my blog, I will be more consistent from now on! When you've got a memory as bad as I do, you need to.
Until next time,
Becky x
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